Open the evidence locker and get the katana from inside. Use the gun oil on the padlock, then use the paper clip to unlock it. Go back downstairs twice and enter the evidence room again.
#Greylegs the silent age of conan code
Use your code on the safe to open it, and you will get a paper clip from inside. Move the picture on the wall to the left to reveal a safe. Leave this room and climb the stairs up to the second floor. Open the desk drawer and take the bottle of weapon oil from inside. Fully examine all 6 pictures on the bulletin board Suspect Zero. Take the code from the bulletin board inside. Return upstairs and use the ID card to open the red door. Use the key on the first door here, then enter the evidence room door and search the corpse inside to get an ID card. Pick up the hammer from the floor on the right, then head back downstairs. Examine the hanging man, then take the key from his belt. Talk to the injured man, and you will receive a time travel device. Use the band-aid on the left door button to hold it down, then press the right button to open the door. Go all the way downstairs again and go to the round door. Return all the way upstairs and talk to the secretary again, who will give you a band-aid. Try to use the Polaris 9 Super Computer here Data Error. Search the lab coat to find a handkerchief, then use this on the blood trail near the round door on the right to get a sample.

Use your rubber glove to fix the broken access panel, then go through the unlocked door on the right. Use the door button on the control panel, then get out at the sub-basement. Go to the far left and use your red access card on the card reader to open the elevator and go inside.

Leave the office and return down in the elevator. Talk to Mr Hill to receive a red access card Working for the Man. Talk to the secretary, then open the red doors and enter Mr Hill's office. Leave the room again, and use the blue access card on the card reader to the right, then enter the elevator. Take the blue access card from the table, and the green rubber glove from the shelf. Pick up the light bulb from the shelf and use it on the broken light bulb hanging above the table. Read the note, then open the orange door and go through to the supply room.